Ordering / Delivery Important information:
All International buyers (outside US) must contact UMM-USA for the latest international shipping rates! Online orders - we will contact you with the additional
shipping cost. Email orders - we will contact you with the full price including international shipping cost. Orders will be processed and expedited as soon as the payment
is received.
ATTENTION!! INTERNATIONAL BUYERS will be notified of the extra shipping costs.
NOTE: for International customers: please note the shipping rates on the website are for US domestic
shipping only. This is particularly important now since the USPS has dramatically increased their shipping
rates. International shipping rates are not shown. Once we have your order, we will calculate the shipping
cost by weight and notify you of the cost via email. We offer United States Post Office (USPS) options for
shipping. You can decide on the option based on your choice of shipping time, with or without insurance, and cost.
Thank you and Happy Modeling!
We are very pleased to introduce our latest tool sets.
1) PropMaster® - Propeller Jig (5 BP) 1/48 and 1/72 scale
3) Electric Hand-Held Polisher & Sander - The Polisander ™
4) PROFILER - Scribing and Contour Guide
5) GOLDEN - Precision Punch & Die Set (RounD 0.5-2.8)
6) ROLLMADE-ROLLING SET "Universal Roller"
7) Third Generation Scriber SCR-03 "Universal"
Mission Models
We are very proud to announce a new product line into the UMM-USA inventory. We will now carry a brand new line of acrylic paints from Mission Models, the manufacturer of the popular EtchMate. These MMP Paints are odorless, non-solvent based, and triple pigmented for incredible coverage. While they are created for airbrushing, they are equally suitable for brush painting. Because there are no additives to the formula, MMP Paints will not harden or breakdown over time and all bottles include an internal mixing ball. We will also carry MMP Thinner and MMP Polyurethane Mix Additive. The thinner in not only a thinner/reducer, but also, an airbrush cleaner, while the polyurethane additive increases flow, durability, and sanding properties of the paint.
Our initial supply will consist of 53 core military colors and a few metallic colors. The MMP Paints come in larger, value-based, 1 oz. bottles with a handy flip-cap dropper for precise measurements, while MMP Thinners are sold in 2 and 4 oz. bottles. The MMP Polyurethane Mix Additive currently only comes in 2 oz. bottles.
MMP products are completely American made, perform to the highest standards, and provide incredible results. We’re confident you will be completely satisfied with these paints and we at UMM are looking forward to carrying the complete line of these wonderful products for our modeling friends.
Coming soon..............
Dear fellow modelers,
We are very pleased to offer our latest UMM-USA tools - the UMM VojTech™ Hand Sanding Bars. These bars come in five convenient sizes: Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Fine. Made from polished aluminum and with 6 flat surfaces, these tools are useful in many applications.
Mr. John Vojtech, the designer of this tool, has been using these sending bars for more than 25 years and when you see his work, you know they produce outstanding results. Once you try it, you will love it. These metal sanding bars will last a lifetime. It's a universal tool for all of your sanding needs.
We know you will enjoy this new handy tool.
Happy Modeling.
We have received a new shipment from Aires accessories and HPH models which includes the Lavachkin La-7, Me-410, Catalina and the Mig-15bis in 1/32 scale. All kits have beautifully detailed cockpits, wheel bays, and open some fuselage compartments. The also include photo-etched detail parts as well as realistic cloth seat harnesses. We are awaiting another shipment from themwhich has even more resin accessories for these kits. Please, check our "Store" for more information and pricing on these fantastic models and accessories.

UMM is now offering a new line of fine paint brushes from HGW,
These brushes are 5.5inches (130 MM) long and fit comfortably in your hand with a nice feel and balance. The wooden handles feature a high-gloss, perl finish a UMM-USA logo label wrapped around the upper portion. The cone-shaped handles taper to a fine point that allows for better control while to raised logo labe prevents slipping. They can be used with acrylic or oil based paints.
UMB 04 Tapered Super-fine detailing brush (B04)
UMB 07 Tapered Extra -fine detailing brush (B07)
UMB 10 Tapered Fine detailing brush (B10)

We have several new tools and accessories we are excited to introduce into our product line. Our website store will have the complete information on these items.
Note: DOUBLE & TRIPLE RIVETERS are here.....
We are confident about you will be quite happy with this new product.
The idea for the triple wheel design comes from John V’s workbench in consultation with his good friend, Peter Dousek, who was the force behind the original “rosie riveter” tool for our hobby. This version is just as easy to use as the original, single wheel, riveter and produces more realistic details. Aircraft have rivet lines everywhere on their surfaces - fuselage panels, doors, wings, and pylons. They are even found on interior surfaces - cockpit, landing gear and weapons bays, and cargo areas. Applying a wash to these rivet lines will really bring this detail to life. I have been applying rivert detail to models all my life with many different rivet wheels. I can say that this triple riveter tool is the best. The more you use it, the more you will like it. It just takes practice and patience. I know you will be pleased with the results.
These tools come in .40, .50, .55, .65, .75, and 1.00 mm sizes based on the desired distance between rivet heads.
Here is a tip when you use the rivet wheel:
Before assembly, mark a pencil line on the area you wish to show rivets. Simply run the rivet tool over the firmly enough to leave dimples. Move the tool in one direction only, do not go back over the original line. Move slowly. I don’t recommend using a guide other than the pencil line. Stop before you reach another panel line, pick up the tool, and continue rolling on the other side. You can add the missing individual rivets with a small drill or punch when you are done. With just a little practice, you can greatly increase the realism of you models. We know you will enjoy the result.
Happy Modeling.....

Dear fellow modelers, UMM-USA is releasing several new tools in 2014. The first is the Multi-Shape Punch Set which is available now on our website store. See the review below for more details. http://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/index.php?cPath=21_145 or www.umm-usa.com Look for two more new releases in February and March 2014: the Centering Jig and the Louvre Punch Set. The Centering Jig will help you locate the exact center of a variety of shapes while the Louvre Punch Set will allow you to add realistic, scale louvres in a variey of sizes and shapes to your models. We know all these new tools will be extremely useful in your model building.
UMM Multi-Shape Punch Set
- variety of punch shapes
- set includes: a precision machined disk with a custom hardened rubber center. This central surface can be turned over for extended use. If needed, we will offer an aditional central section separately.
- three basic punches: circle, square, and rectangle
- one thin aluminum sheet included
- comes in a clear plastic display case
The special base can be used with any shaped punch you can imagine. You can use our UMM punches, punches for other tools, or punches you made yourself. In the future, UMM will offer special punches, such as: squares and rectangles with rounded corners, triangles, half-circles, crosses, rings, dimpled surfaces, and hexagons, etc. These will come in different sizes suitable for different scales. We will also stock aluminum sheets in various thicknesses.
To use this tool, place the base on a solid surface and set the aluminum sheet on the rubber center. Apply pressure to your selected punch until you cut through the metal. You can also use a small hammer for thicker pieces of metal. The shapes you can produce are only limited by your imagination. For example, use Phillips screwdriver heads to make crosses which can be bent into small open boxes.Or, you can use punches with rounded surfaces to produce lenses, covers, or screw heads.
As you can see, this tool has applications for every type of model, be it aircraft, armor, ships, figure, automotive, etc. We're confident our new product will become an essential part of your modeling tool kit.
We appreciate your interest in our products.
Thanks: John Vojtech and Team UMM-USA

To all our friends, Phil and I had a wonderful time in Colorado at the IPMS/USA National Convention last month. We greatly appreciate all the help we received from the clubmembers who were running the show. They made our work much easier. The show itself was great and everything ran very smoothly. We know it took a lot of hard work to pull that off. Also, it was great to meet our customers face-to-face. We had fun showing you our products and we got some great feedback, too. We cannot tell you how much we appreciate your business. Thanks again, John Happy Modeling,
Great News: Our original scriber, SCR-01, is back in stock after a three month outage. Just as a reminder: to get the best panel lines possible, do not press hard, nor push hard; keep the tool level with the surface you are scribing. Above all, practice before using it on your model. Each scriber is tested before being sold to guarantee it meets our high standards. To improve your scribing techniques with the SCR-1 and SCR-02, please see our YourTube video: video
We have restocked our RS, AZ, and Army Cast models. Check out our new low prices at our store on the UMM-USA website.>

HGW We are offering a new, special line of rivets from HGW Models. Although they look like decals and work like decals, they are not true decals. You must apply them to clean surface, either over primer or just paint. Soak the rivet sheet in water, place on the model, and let it dry. After it dries, you remove the sheet and the raised rivets remain. The sheets come in 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32 scales. We also have full sheets for individual aircraft. Check them out in our store.

After selling out at the IPMS/USA Nationals, we have a huge restock of our beautiful SRI-UMM tweezers. These are excellent quality tweezers at a great price.

COMING SOON..... Scalespokes will soon have available new wheels. These will feature new hubs, crossed and un-crossed spokes, and sandblasted tires. These look terrific and will add even more realism to you model. We will soon have the following sets of wheels:
Fokker D.VII 1/32 1/48 1/72
Fokker D.VI 1/32 1/48 1/72
Gotha 1/32
Nieuport 23 1/32 and 1/48 (with triple spokes)
Nieuport 17 1/32
Se5a 1/32
DH-2 1/32
Albatross D.V 1/32 s
We know you will enjoy these beautiful new wheels. See our Scalespokes website for details.

Dear UMM-USA customers, Thank you for visiting out website. Our team will be attending the IPMS USA Nationals in Loveland, Colorado until 20 August.
All orders or pre-orders placed between Monday, 12 August to Monday, 19 August,
will be processed when we return from our trip - Tuesday, 20 August. Thank you for your understanding. If you are attending the Nationals, please stop by our tables in the vendor area. We will have some new products to demonstrate and would like to chat with you. Happy Modeling,

NEW for 2013
UMM-USA is offering this new product line as well as access to the ScaleSpokes forum. Capitalizing on a long-time love of WW I aircraft, a way was found to accurately reproduce these wheels in the common hobby scales. These wheels are highly detailed and will play an important roll in enhancing the realism and artistic appeal of your models.
To increase our happiness in the hobby and satisfaction with your build, SCALE SPOKES offers hand-made spoke wheels for aircraft in 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32 scales. Future plans include 1/144 wheels by special order. All these miniature works of art feature resin or aluminum hubs, aluminum rims, copper wire spokes, rubber tires, flattened resin tires and photo-etched accessories.
UMM-USA is very proud to offer you these hand-made works of art. Start building with them and enjoy the elegance of this beautifully artistic hobby.
Thank you for visiting our website and we wish you Happy Building.
Click here to visit Scalespokes.com

NEW for 2013
As modelers, we often need to make a more realistic instrument panel for our models. One way is to punch holes in a layer of plastic card and insert instrument decals. Getting perfect holes can be a tedious, frustrating process. The Round PLIERPUNCH tool solves this problem. Once you have the outline of the instrument panel, just mark where the instruments will go. Rotate the disk to the size hole you need, place the panel under the punch, and squeeze the handle. Change the size as necessary by rotating the disk. In no time at all, you'll have a completed instrument panel with perfect holes.
This tool feels solid in your hand and is easy to use. The rotating disk has five holes ranging in size from 1.4mm, 1.6mm, 1.8mm, 2.1mm, to 2.3mm. It's also great for adding lightening holes to aircraft structures. We've tested the tool on plastic, paper, cloth tape, and thin photo-etched parts. It's like a flaring tool - tubing for brakes etc. We've punched holes in plastic up to 2.2mm thick with no problems. The Plierpunch is made from high quality medical stainless steel of excellent quality. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We highly recommend this tool to all modelers. HAPPY PUNCHING +++
Click here for more information:

NEW - Coming soon...
The SCR-02 is another version of the original UMM-USA SCR-01 scriber and is designed for use in smaller areas.
The pointed front end is specifically shaped to get into tight spots.
More importantly, its thin design and specially ground cutting edge, will produce a very fine etched panel line. Just like its larger partner, the SCR-02 is an outstanding scraping tool.
- 1. SCRIBE (a), 2. SCRIBE (b), 3. SCRIBE (c), 4. CARVE, 5. DEBURR, 6. PIERCE, 7. SCRAPE )
- Scriber made from harden tool steel.
- Use on all types of model kits and hobby crafts.......
- Double ended panel scriber
- Special desing for scribing and rescribing palel lines.
- Recommended for use on: plastic, resin, piable wood

NEW: AAG01 Adjustable Airbrush Guide 01
Even on the smallest scale models, you'll have the opportunity to airbrush straight lines - for example, pre-shading or post-shading panel lines.
This mult-piece tool is just what you need to make this task easier.
It has an adjustble length rod supported by two calibrated end stands.
The central rod fits into the end stands which have slots for height adjustment.
You can use both end supports or just one.
Once you've established the correct height for you airbrush's spray pattern, lock the rod in place.
Rest the airbrush on the rod and move it across for a smooth, consistent line.
For multiple lines, move either you model or the guide itself.
This guide has numerous applications in all types of modeling or art projects.
We highly recommend this tool to all modelers.
Click here for more information:

NEW: Precision Sprue & Wire Cutter:
When you need to remove delicate parts from sprue, this is the tool of choice.
Our Precision Sprue Cutter is made from high quality Hardened Tool Steel specifically for UMM-USA.
Its "tweezers" action allows for precise cuts to remove even the smallest parts for the sprue.
The design of the head permits a flush cut which reduces the sanding needed for a smooth surface.
Because of its overall shape, you can get into hard to reach places or position the tool perpendicular to the piece for a cleaner cut.
Its heavy duty design is also suitable for cutting plastic, resin, soft wires or photo-etched parts.
We highly recommend this tool to all modelers.
Click here for more information:

ARMYCAST: all in 1/72 and 1/48 scales resin accessories
Click here for more information:

HPH Models: new kits in stock
-Let L-410 detailed resin model kit 1/48 scale
-Zlin Z-50 detailed resin model kit 1/32 scale
-P-63 Kingcobra full resin kit 1/32 scale - Back in stock
-Arado Ar-196 Catapult 1/32 and 1/48 scale in stock
-T-50 Russian F-22 back in stock 1/48
Click here for more information:

MMK Models: new restock and new kits
-IVECO LMV - MedEvac full detailed resin kit in 1/35 scale
Click here for more information:

SKP Models: New in stock, please, click here for more accessories
-SKP150 Zetor 25A "ARMY" resin kit 1/35
-SKP152 British Wheels 14.00 - 20 resin 1/35
-SKP168 Wheels for Hetzer STARR 1/35
-SKP156 Lenses & Tailights for M-ATV 1/35
-SKP153 Lenses & Tailights for Leopard 2A6 1/35
Click here for more information:

HAULER: New accessories and templates for scribing
Click here for more information:

FRUFRU Model:Very nice 1/48 scale aircraft resin accessories
Click here for more information:
Wings and Wheels Publications: New in stock.
- IDS08 B-17G Flying Fortress In Detail WWP
B-17G Flying Fortress in IWM Duxford and Private Collections in detail, WWP (Wings and Wheels Publications)
Photo Manual for Modelers.
David Doyle, František Kořán, Daniel and Petr Dousek
ISBN 978-80-87509-11-1
Soft cover V4, 240x290mm, 176 pages.
More than 440 colour detail photos, more than 140 colour and b+w USAF history photos,
25 manual draws
Click here for more information:

EW - Propmaster JIG for 1/144 scale is available now - check it out, just click the link.
For more

NEW - Stands and jigs for aircraft 1/72 to 1/24 scale for airplanes building and transport. Wood snapping parts, very easy to build.
They are useful for getting wings and things lined up, rigging, general working on models and keeping them safe while transporting. Highly recommended to all modelers. For more information, please click the link

NEW YOU-TUBE Modeling Movie
Modeling Techniques : Scribing with SCR-01 Part 1. By John Vojtech
Re-scribing raised and recessed panel lines - Deburring, Carving, Scraping,
and Piercing techniques.
- Double ended panel criber
- Recommended for use on: plastic, resin, piable wood
- It can be used for all types of modeling and hobby kits

New From Blackbird Models:
Click Here
1. BDM48004 Bay of Pigs - Latin American Air Wars 1/48
2. BMD48003 F9F Panthers Over Korea & the Pacific 1/48
3. BMD72007 F6F Hellcat Aces 1/72
4. BMD72008 F9F Panthers over Korea & The Pacific 1/72

New From RV Aircraft - Dravings and DVD
Click Here
1. RVB1022 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Volume 1-3 Deluxe set with Drawings 1/48 & DVD
- MiG-21 Fishbed volume 1.
- A4 fold / 160 pgs.
- detail drawings of the variants by variants
- Dravings 1:48 scale
- Cat. Nr. 1015
- MiG-21 Fishbed volume 2.
- A4 fold / 146 pgs.
- detail drawings of the variants by variants
- Drawings 1:48 scale
- Cat. Nr. 1020
- MiG-21 Fishbed volume 3.
- A4 fold / 101 pgs.
- detail drawings of the variants by variants
- Drawings 1:48 scale
- Cat. Nr. 1021
- DVD (2236 photos and 24min. video of cockpits)
2. RVB1002 Siebel Si-204 with Drawings 1/72 & 1/48 + DVD
3. RVB1004 F-4 Phantom II. with Drawings 1/72 + DVD
4. RVB1005 MiG-23 Flogger with Drawings 1/72 + DVD
5. RVB1007 Bf 109 - Avia S/CS-199 with Dravings 1/72 & 1/48 + DVD
6. RVB1024 F-4 Phantom II. with Drawings 1/48 + DVD

NEW from Pavla Models - Accessories set and conversion.
Click Here
1. C48007 Brewster Buffalo F2A2 + vacu canopy 1/48
2. C48017 EE Canberra PR.9 Pilot & navigator's cockpit 1/48
3. C48020 Macchi MC.200 Saetta early version Detail set 1/48
4. C72044 Kawasaki Ki-45 KAI Toryu + vac canopy 1/48
5. C72057 Lockheed S-3A Viking Cockpit set 1/72
6. C72097 BAC Strikemaster Detail set 1/72
7. C72099 North American F-86F Sabre Detail set 1/72
9. and more.............................................................

New from SKP Models - Model kits, Accessories, Figures,
Dry Decals and more....
Click Here
1. SKP016 German Helmets + PE 1/35
2. SKP018 Exterior Set for Humber Mk. I/II Scout Car 1/35
3. SKP043 ST - I (post war Hetzer) conversion set 1/35
4. SKP099 Cromwell MkVI CS with hull type F 1/35
5. SKP111 Austin 10 HP - Deluxe detail set 1/35
6. SKP118 Assault rifle vz. 58 (4 pcs) 1/35

New From AML Models - Resin accessories, conversion sets,
decals, masks and kits :
Click Here
AMLA 48 018,Conversion set Mirage IIICR / Tsniut
AMLA 48 027,Conversion set Avia S - 199 ( propeller with tool )
AMLC 1/32SCALE - VETERANS AMLC 2 008,S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : RYoC , RYoE
AMLC 2 009,S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : DUoN , NNoN
AMLC 2 010, S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : VY
AMLC 2 011, S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : DUoL
AMLC 1/48SCALE - VETERANS AMLC 8 005, S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : RYoC , RYoE
AMLC 8 006, S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : DUoN , NNoN
AMLC 8 007, S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : VY
AMLC 8 008, S.Spitfire MK IXC 2 decal versions : DUoL
AMLM - 1/32SCALE AMLM 33 001, Camouflage masks - Bf 109 G-6 Ehrler Masks for AMLD 32 003
AMLM - 1/48SCALE AMLM 49 007, Camouflage masks - Bf 109 G-6 Ehrler Masks for AMLD 48 029
AMLM - 1/72SCALE AMLM 73 003, Camouflage masks - Bf 109 G-6 Ehrler

New From Black Dog Models - Resin accessories, figures and conversion set:
Click Here
F35001 1\35US special force in Afganistan N°1
F35002 1\35US special force in Afganistan N°2
F35003 1\35US special forces in Afganistan set
F35004 1\35US soldier in Iraq N°1
F35005 1\35US soldier in Iraq N°2
F35006 1\35US soldiers in Iraq set
F35007 1\35EOD Bomb Squad in Iraq
F35008 1\35US soldier patrol in Iraq
F35009 1\35EOD Team in Iraq
F35010 1\35EOD IN IRAQ /disposing bomb
F35012 1\35EOD TEAM IN IRAQ N°2
F35013 1\35Canadian tank crew in Afganistan N°1
F35014 1\35Canadian tank crew in Afganistan N°2
F35015 1\35Canadian army tank crew in Afganistan
F75001 75mm Knight 1220
F75002 75mm Persian warrior
F75003 75mm Spanish conquistador
F75004 75mm Sergeant templar
F75005 75mm Apocalipto
F75006 75mm Golfer
F75007 75mm Barkeeper Palivec
T35034 1\35US M2 big accessories set
T35035 1\35US M2 accessories set N°1
T35036 1\35US M2 accessories set N °2
T35037 1\35US modern bags accessories set
T35038 1\35USMC LAV A2 accessories set

1) NEW IN STOCK - injection-molded plastic kit from RS MODELS.
* Model kit has recessed panel lines, injection-molded clear parts - canopy, some resin parts, photoetch parts and decals
*NOW In stock:
- Avia B-534 "Close canopy"
- Avia B-534 "Open canopy"
- Arado Ar 66 "Family"
- Henkel 112 B "Foreigner service"
click here

2) NEW IN STOCK - injection-molded plastic kits from VALOM MODELS.
* Model kit has recessed panel lines, injection-molded clear parts - canopy, some resin parts, photoetch parts and decals.
* NOW In stock:
- Fokker F.VII / 3m "Spanish War"
- Avia F.VIIb / 3m

click here
3) NEW IN STOCK - Custom Sanding Files from ALPHA.
* Custom Sanding Files: 1/8" 400 grit x12 pack. 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500 Grit.
New! Waterproof! Excellent for either wet or dry sanding.
Easy to use on normal surfaces or in hard-to-get-at places.
Can be cleaned with the Abrasive Cleaning Disc. (CD071)
May be cut or trimmed to access even the most difficult to reach nooks and crannies on your model!
* Abrasive Cleaning Disc 10mm x 50mm
Amazingly simple yet efficient method of cleaning plastic and metal filings and sanding build up off of sanding sticks and files.
Use the cleaning disc to remove plastic, wood and resin that clogs your abrasives and tools when sanding.
Can be used many times.
A most cost efficient way of extending the life of your sanding sticks and files.
* Sanding Needles, 320 grit x12 pack.
New! Waterproof!
This product is perfect for getting into those very small areas that are nearly impossible with conventional tools.
Ideal for miniatures and fine detail work these needles give you great control for precision finishing.
Excellent for either wet or dry sanding.
Easy to use on normal surfaces or in hard-to-get-at places.
Can be cleaned with the Abrasive Cleaning Disc. (CD0701)

click here
4) NEW IN STOCK - injection-molded plastic kits, resin sets,
masks and decals from AML MODELS.
* Model kit has recessed panel lines, injection-molded clear parts - canopy, resin parts, photoetch parts and decals.....

* Some of the Decals include - photoetch parts or resin parts....

* Some of the Resin conversion sets include - photoetch parts, decals and vacuform canopy....

click here
5) BACK IN STOCK : Rosie The Riveter "the finest riveters in the world" NOW in Stock!.
We Can Do It!
* 1.00mm 1/32
* 0.75mm 1/32, 1/48
* 0.65mm 1/48
* 0.55mm 1/48, 1/72
* 0.40mm 1/72

click here
1) NEW IN STOCK - Super Detailed Resin kits and Conversion
sets from MMK MODELS .
* Extremely detailed resin kits - ( with deluxe resin sets) highly detailed full interiors, wheels, engines, covers and more, plus recessed panel lines, photo-etch parts, white metal parts and decals. Also includes vacuform or resin canopies. "Limited Edition".
SHIPPING NOTE: Delivery time for this special items approxiamately 12 to 18 days.
click here

2) NEW IN STOCK - Decals and Resin Accessories from BLACKBIRD MODELS from UK
* C-130A Roman Nose "Resin conversion set"
* C-130A Fuel Tanks "Resin conversion set"
* P-51 Cavaliar Mustang "Resin conversion set"
* Decals:
- for Turkish War,
- for Imperial German Air Service
- for Libian Arab Air Force
- fro Latin American Air Wars (part1 and Part 2)
click here

3) NEW IN STOCK - Tools from 3Detail
* New riveter 1/32 scale with NEW rivet wheel - click here

* New Roller for bending and folding - click here

10. NEW - Serious Modellers Collection: CUSTOM FILES, CLEANING DISC & NEEDLES
- Waterproof files.
- Custom Files: 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500 GRIT.
- Custom Needles: 400, 600 GRIT
- Abrasive Cleaning Disc

9. AZ MODELS: 1/144, 1/48 and 1/72 scale aircraft kits. What's NEW ?
- Kawasaki Ki-48 II "Lily" 1/48 scale
- Kawasaki Ki-48 I "Lily" 1/48 scale
- Pitts Specials in 1/48 scale (4 version)
- TA-4H/K "Skyhawk" 1/48 scale
- B-33 Avia in 1/72 scale
- Mitsubishi K3M3 "Pine" in 1/72 scale
- JRF - 5 "Goose" (2 version) 1/72 scale
- BEECH (2 version) 1/72 scale
- Spirfires Mk. (5 versions) 1/72
- Accessories for Ki-48 "Lily" Interier set and Mask 1/48 scale

8. BOB SMITH GLUE: All In Stock.
- Insta - Cure Super Thin CA (1 - 3 sec.)
- Insta - Cure + Gap Filing (5 - 15 sec.)
- Maxi - Cure Thick CA (10-25sec.)
- Insta - Cure GEL 20 grams
- UN - Cure Debonder / Remover (30 - 120sec.)
- EPOXY 5, 15, 30 minits
- Glue Accessories (Tip, Tubing, Cap, Aplicator)

7. VALOM: for December and January: Kits and conversion sets.
- Mosquito - 2x engines conversion set 1/48 scale
- Bell Airacudas 3x versions in 1/72 scale
- Bristol Brigand 2x versions in 1/72 scale
- Yokosuka K5Y1 Willow - Floats and Wheel version. 1/72 scale
- Antonov AN-2 1/48 scale Coming soon.......2010

6. ROSIE THE RIVETER: Is back with NEW rivet wheels.
Coming soon in January 2010.
riveter 0.40mm (1/72)
riveter 0.55mm (1/72, 1/48)
riveter 0.65mm (1/48)
riveter 0.75mm (1/48, 1/32).
riveeter 1.00mm (1/32)

5. 3D TOOL : Riveters, Benders, Rollers,Scribers all in STOCK.
- Riveting tools for 1/72. 1/48 and 1/32 scale.
- Elbow Benders - Bending tools 60mm and 150mm
- Scribers - for parallel panelines & separating plastic boards.

4. RS MODELS: NEW In Stock and Coming soon....
- Tachikawa Ki 106 in 1/72 scale
- De Schelde S-21 in 1/72 scale
- Fokker D-XXVIII in 1/72 scale
- Bf- 109X "Experimental Fighter" 1/72 scale
- Arado Ar 66 1/72 scale New tooling, Coming soon...

3. HISTORICAL JOURNAL WWI : Black & White pictures + Aircraft drawings. Czech & English text.
- Nieuports
- SPA 124
- Avion Voisin

2. GOFFY Accessories: Highly detailed resin sets "Aircraft, Armour & Ships"
- S - 3B Viking deluxe set in 1/48 scale
- Dornier Do 24 Interior and exterior set in 1/72 scale
- Crew for modern US aircraft carriers (pre-colored) in 1/350 scale
- Ship accessories in 1/700 scale
- Magach 7 - conversion set in 1/35 scale
- M-4 Sherman - Deluxe set

1. MPD Decals : High quality decals from Czech Republic.
Now in Stock.
- Mi 24 "Hind" Tiger & Tiger Meet 1/72 and 1/48 scale.
- Douglas DC-2 American Airlines, TWA, Special Edition in 1/72 scale.
- P-61 Black Widow + Data in 1/72 scale
- Spitfire Mk. decals set collection in 1/48 and 1/72 scale.
- Marcel Bloch 210 & 152 in 1/72 scale

New in UMM Gallery F-15C Eagle...
For more see My gallery
New Movie: F-15C EAGLE by John Vojtech (video clip)
Showcase of John's 1/32 scale Tamiya F-15C. Its a technological and creative masterpiece featuring exquisite scratchbuilt, resin, and photoetched-metal details - and it's wired for lights! (FSM).
New in UMM Gallery F-15C Eagle...
For more see My gallery
New in UMM Gallery F-15C Eagle and F-15C Eagle in progress...

March 09 - Coming soon......
AMC Decals - Collector's Item High quality decals from Czech Republic

March 09 - Coming soon......
New from RS Models:
Kits has recessed panel lines, photo-etch details, resin parts and markings for many aircraft. (injection-molded plastic kit). Limited edition.
Plastic Model kits:
2044 Curtiss Hawk II / Turkey, China, Cuba/
92045 Praga E-241 / Slovakia, Czechoslovakia/
92046 Curtiss Hawk II Ernst Udet / D-IRIK, Thailand, Bolivia/
92047 Praga E-241 Luftwaffe
92048 Curtiss Hawk on floats / Columbia, Peru, Germany/
92049 Tachikawa Ki-9 "Kamikaze" / 3xJapan, Korea, USA/
92050 Tachikawa Ki-9 Trainer / Japan, China, Thai A.F. Nank A.F., Man/
Resin model kits:
7248 Blohm a Voss P.163.02
7261 Praga E-51
7265 So 344.
7266 MGRP
7270 Blohm a Voss P.163.02
72115 Avia B-158
72135 Kauba V5
72153 Marton X-
72146 He 112 V3
72148 He 112 V6 kanon.
48003 Aero 102
72125 XP-38

March 09 - Coming soon......
Custom Model Kits - Now On Sale.......
Please, Go to ---> umm store Miscelleneous and click ---> Custom Build Kits.
Unique Model Kits 1/12 - 1/18 scale
Very High Quality custom model kist - Build from Fiberglass, Metal, Resin, Wood and Plastic.
Highly detailed parts and recessed panel lines.
Before ordering and for more information, please contact UMM-USA (847) 537-0867 or send an email to john@umm-usa.com.

March 09 - Coming soon......
Pre-Orders Now. ($138.00 to 162.00USD)
HPH 02 L-29 Delfin 1/32 scale. NEW!!!
Extremely detailed resin kit - (deluxe resin set) highly detailed full interior, cockpit, wheels, exhaust, covers and more plus recessed panel lines, photo-etch details (sheet).
Also includes vacuform/resin canopies, mask and markings for 6 aircraft. "Limited Edition".
More details
March 09 - Coming soon......
Pre-Orders Now. ($22. to 28.00USD)
New “PropMaster®” by UMM
For 1/72 , 1/48 and 1/32 scale Aircraft
about PropMaster
- 10. November 2008
F-15C Eagle 1/32 Coming soon........
- June 2008
F-15C Eagle 1/32 Coming soon........
- October 2007
High Quality Decals from MPD Company
- October 2007
New Armor - Goffy Models Company
UMM is preparing for the catalog new series of Goffy Models armor kits in scale 1/72
Coming in November 2007
- September 2007
New Model Kits from Master X
UMM is preparing series of new Master X products for December 2007.
Following is a sneak peak:
1/48 DFS 228
1/48 SG 38
1/48 Me 328 A
1/48 FG 222
1/48 Sanger set
1/48 Arsenal Delane 10c.2
1/48 Goppingen Go 8
and other unique models!
- March 2007
JLC 15 Years Anniversary
- February 2007
NEW JLC 003 Extender. Coming soon...., from Czech Republic.
JLC-UMM EXTENDER----suitable for JLC COMBO SAW.(JLC 002)
Blades spacing - 0,25 /0,5 /0,75 /1 /1,25/ 1,5/ 1,75 /2 /2,25 /2,5 / 2,75 /3 /3,25 /3,5 /3,75 /4 /4,25.(mm)
Unique Master Models has, since its conception, been a provider of very valuable specialized tools for the model builder. Among those that include scribing, riveting, and cutting tools, to name a few, a new product in the cutting tool category has now made its debut. Announcing the UMM Razor saw Extender". Click for more product information.
- August 2006
B-2 Stealth Bomber by John Vojtech of Unique Master Models won the Best Aircraft Award at USA IPMS Nationals sponsored by ARC AIR www.ipmsusa2006.org.
- 1/72 Testors B2 Stealth Bomber
"Winner of The Best Aircraft AWARD"
- IPMS USA Nationals 2006 -
1. 1st Place for Scale
2. Special Theme Award 509 Bomb Wing
3. Best Aircraft Model
4. Popular Best of Show